[. . . ] ­ The group must be perfectly accessable for ease in carrying out maintenance and servicing operations. ­ No obstacle should impede the free circulation of air on the air exchanger (intake and discharge). Sound level : our units have been designed for a low sound level operation. However, when planning the installation, take into consideration the outside environment and the type of building for radiated and transmitted noise (vibrations). [. . . ] In cooling mode, the unit starts as soon as the ambient temperature goes above P09. The ambient box tumbwheel and the outside temperature have no influence on this mode. Note : the cooling mode permits creating a temperature difference of 3 to 5°C between the indoor and outdoor temperature. To install the manual reset thermostat on the unit, you must : 1 - dismount the unit roofing and withdraw the electrical panel door. 2 - fix the 63°C manual reset thermostat on the electrical panel (position 1, next to the 78°C thermostat of the electrical auxiliary devices) For this type of installation, we recommend using the Climbox 2 programme and the cooling/heating floor kit, both of which are available in the catalogue. The cooling/heating floor kit includes : ­ 1 ambient box with ambient temperature adjustment (+/- 3°C) thumbwheel. 4 - fix the thermostat capillary on the water departure copper tube with 2 plastic clips, then cover with the insulation also held in place with 2 plastic clips. Connection recommendations : All the entries must be voltage free and of good quality. ATTENTION : do not connect a phase or a neutral on terminals 7 to 12 of terminal box J2. Plan a shrouded cable connection whose passage will be at least 30 cm distant from all lines succeptible of generating parasites, the shrouding will be connected to the mass at both ends. ­ Common If the heating and cooling entries are supplied simultaneously, the unit goes into stop mode. If the frost-free entry is supplied simultaneously with the heating and/or cooling, the unit goes into frost-free mode If there are several shrouded cables, each shrouding will be connected separately (if a risk of parasite still exists, plan the relay of several entries). Distance superior to 30 meters : Plan relaying the various entries, 1 relay per entry mounted in the vicinity of the electronic card (cables section : 0. Entries : heating/cooling operation ­ building frost free : return water temperature maintained at 30°C ­ electrical auxiliary devices shedding/repowering : closed = shedding ­ remote assistance resetting : in case of level 1 fault, the contact closing permits relaunching the electrical auxiliary devices for 48h heating (while waiting for fault repair). This entry must It offers a fault exit NO/NF (terminal box J2 of the MCAD5) and an automaticity control (terminal box J2 of the MCAD5). Automaticity control : you can connect a potential free contact (ex : clock. ;) between 1 and 2 on the terminal box J2 : closed contact : operation of the unit authorised open contact : unit is stopped. ATTENTION : do not connect a phase or a neutral on terminals 1 and 2 of terminal box J2. The green LEDs correspond to the operation of the associated symbol (compressor running, auxiliary electrical heating or cooling mode). In case of level 1 fault, the key 8 (relaunch) permits relaunching the electrical auxiliary devices for a 48 hours heating period (while waiting for repair). ­ Level 0 fault : automatic restart of the unit after fault acquittal and a time delay ­ Level 1 fault : the unit stops ; It is possible to relaunch the electrical auxiliary devices for a 48hrs heating period (while awaiting for repair). For units fitted with a switch on their supply source, the opening of the electrical door is only possible when the switch is on " off ". [. . . ] Type of fuse => 5 x 20 1A delayed D The card is not supplied with electricity or the voltage is too low, check the presence of 230V between J4. 0 and +5, then between 0 and +NR, then contact your After Sales Department. 15 is on 1 D Check that the AQUACIAT phase is connected to the ClimBox 2 phase D The lights D21 and D22 are indicators of communication with the ClimBox 2, check their state and contact the After-Sales department. (the display lights are off if there is no dialogue) D The voltage drops too much when starting. [. . . ]